21/01/13 Lynn decided that she wanted to learn how to bake, so has decided to make Head Office the guinea pigs!
Today she brought in a Victoria sponge and some Chocolate Orange cupcakes.
Louisa had the great Idea of having a Head Office Bake Off, so it has been decided that we will hold this on a Tuesday when all Head Office are working (Vicki doesn’t work Monday’s)
Louisa created a spreadsheet to score the cakes with categories for Appearance, Texture and Taste.
29/01/13 This week Lynn made Chocolate Orange scones and Hot Cross Buns. The first time Lynn has done any kind of Bread, and they are more like a Bagel consistency, so she has called them ‘Hot Cross Bagels’. There was Orange buttercream to spread on them too!
Louisa made a Lemon Drizzle Cake that was marvellously moist and incredibly tasty. Louisa wasn’t happy with her oven, as she thought the cake was too over done on the outside, but we all thought it was Delicious!
Lynn also made another Victoria Sponge, but with fresh cream and homemade Apple Jam. It was made at the request of her husband, but he got Norovirus and couldn’t eat it. His loss was our gain!!
05/02/13 Vicki did the baking this week. We have a delicious Chocolate Brownie Cake, and an unusual Apple Crumble Cake, which was served at President Obama’s Inauguration Dinner in 2009! We all agreed that it was delicious, if it’s good enough for the President, its good enough for us!
Louisa made an amazing Banana Cake. Banana Cake is Lynn’s favourite, so she had seconds!!
We’ve decided that all the cakes are delicious and have abandoned the scoring. We don’t need competition, Just CAKE!!
12/02/13 Mark (honorary HO Bake off member) brought in Cupcakes today. He followed strict instructions from his wife, who we are assured only told him what to do and didn’t help at all. We have a photo of him with a mixer, so we believe him.
We came in today to a Heart shaped napkin with a Heart shaped Red Velvet Cupcake, a heart shaped Jammy Dodger and heart shaped Decorated Biscuit. Lynn had been busy again, and it was appreciated by all.
19/02/13 SHOCK HORROR – No cakes this week. We all agreed this must never happen again, and as a consolation Lynn went to Tesco and bought Chocolate cupcakes and a Chocolate tray bake.
Good Effort Tesco, but ours are better. The first week we haven’t eaten everything on offer!
26/02/13 First Efforts for Becky and Natalia this week. Neither of them had baked before, so were nervous about how they would turn out.
Becky made Raspberry and White Chocolate Brownies and Natalia made a Chocolate Cake.
Both were bakes to be proud of – Well done Ladies!
In hindsight, we should have said more practice was required. We missed a trick there!
05/03/13 Becky’s got the baking bug now and made a Marble Cake. Not only did it taste great, but when you cut into it, the marbling of chocolate and vanilla sponge looked amazing.
Ilona’s first effort is Carrot Cupcakes. Mmmmmm - How can cakes made from vegetables be so delicious?
12/03/13 Lynn brought in Triangle Apple Shortcakes and Chocolate Tray Bake with Berries. Becky's favourite was the Apple Shortcake, Ilona's the Chocolate Cake. Both were delicious.
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