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Quest Employment

Andrea Craciun

Describe yourself in three words?
Fair, diligent and fortitudinous

An interesting fact about yourself?
I am an introvert with excellent social skills and I love human creativity in all its shapes

Why you work for Quest?
Quest has given me the chance to grow as a professional when all doors closed in a full pandemic. Now that the doors are open, I want to see how far I can get. I owe this to Quest and to myself.

In addition, my team is an incredible fusion of personalities and cultural backgrounds. Our diversity is our strength that reacts as a cohesive body to all the challenges we face every day. Precisely this dichotomy creates a sense of belonging.

What animal would you be and why?
I want to believe that all my experiences made me stronger and wiser, more like a stag. The stag is present in many ancient cultures and symbolises regeneration, maturity, spiritual enlightenment, the one that leads by example.
It is a silent but strong animal, the non-aggressive type that won't back down if it needs to protect its herd.